PID Wizard Completed
Once the has completed, it will have determined the 'Ultimate Gain' and Ultimate
Period'. It will use these to calculate the Proportional (P), Derivative (D) and Integral (I)
Not all actuators will be able to work with the PID Wizard. If the PID Wizard doesn't
arrive with a good 'Ultimate Gain' and Ultimate Period', you can try rerunning the PID
Wizard a few times to see if you get different results.
If your actuator can't reach a speed high enough that it will sustain an oscillation,
then the PID Wizard will not be able to measure the oscillation period. This can be
caused by an undersized valve for a pneumatic or hydraulic cylinder, or limiting the
valve output voltage from the Br-EFB, which can also limit the flow through the valve.
'P' Gain only
'P' & 'I' Gains
- Gilderfluke & Co. - Electronic Feedback Card - version 1.00 - copyright 2018 -
Uptime: 99:23:59:59, Serial Address: 123, IP:
ADL: Lorenzo (2015-12-25 0744) w/503 channels @ 12 Offset
Show #4 (of 210) Night Mode looping @ 00:19:49.22
DeviceName PID Wizard found Gain and Period for axis x
Ultimate Gain: 11.512, Ultimate Period: 273.37 ms
1) Proportional (P) gain: 3.799; Use P only
2) Integral (I) gain: 0.137; Use P and I
3) Derivative (D) gain: 0.091; Use P, I and D
+) Tighter tune, -) Looser tune, Tightness: 50
j) address to test: 123
k) testing: none
resolution: 8 Bits
figure: FigureName
output: OutputName
r) Run PID Wizard
m) More, n) Next, l) Last, i) Info, o) def, p) Play, h) Halt, v) Verify, x) eXit
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-EFB Manual / May 22, 2018 3:28 PM / page 115 of 142