The chart on the back page of this manual will help you translate decimal show
numbers into hexadecimal show numbers.
A) Echo Commands:
“a”(card address)
! !
Echo On:
! !
Echo Off:
The ‘Echo ON’ command will turn on a special mode that will cause all
the other serial port commands to echo on the selected card. This used
when you are setting up serial commands so you can verify all the
commands you are issuing are being received correctly. In the following
examples, the ‘echo’ responses are shown in bold italics:
If you send “a00”, on the card addressed at 00h the echo mode will be
turned ON:
card __0, echo mode
If you send “*03A” to request a specific show on all cards:
card __0, requested show __3 ShowName3
If you send “t00A” to start the requested show playing on a specific
card __0, starting show __3 ShowName3
If you send “!00A” to start a show looping on a specific card:
card __0, looping show __4 ShowName4
If you send “uA” to stop all shows playing on all cards:
card __0, stopped show __5 ShowName5
Error messages will be returned whenever you ask the card to do
something that it cannot do at the current time.
The ‘Echo OFF’ command turn off the echo mode on all the cards in the
system. It does not echo anything.
B) Card Reset:
“j5AA5” (card address)
This command will erase the AutoDownload file on the Sd Flash Card
on the Br-EFB. Needless to say, this command is only rarely used in a
completed installation.
Gilderfluke & Co.• 205 South Flower Street • Burbank, California 91502 • 818/840-9484 • 800/776-5972 • fax 818/840-9485
Br-EFB Manual / May 22, 2018 3:28 PM / page 134 of 142