Giga-tronics 2500B Series Microwave Signal Generators
Operation Manual, Part Number 34737, Rev C, June 30, 2011
Page 7
Start-up the 2500B
Table 4 below describes how to start-up the 2500B.
Table 4: Start-Up the 2500B
Start-Up the 2500B
Place the 2500B in the location where it will be used, observing the recommendations in section
2.5 on page 6.
Plug the 2500B power cord into a suitable source of electrical power (see Table 3 on page 6 for
electrical power specifications).
Press the power switch on the front panel of the 2500B. The 2500B displays the following
sequence of screens:
“Initializing” momentarily appears on the display.
The screen shown in Figure 1 appears.
The following information is displayed on the start-up screen:
The firmware version
The serial number of the 2500B
The Build Date (BD) or the firmware version
The Build Time (BT) of the firmware version
A progress bar at the bottom of the screen
Figure 1: 2500B Start Up
Upon the successful conclusion of start-up, the CW Menu is displayed.
If error messages occur during start-up:
Refer to page 132.
End of Procedure