Error Messages
Giga-tronics 2500B Series Microwave Signal Generators
Page 132
Operation Manual, Part Number 34737, Rev C, June 30, 2011
Appendix B
Error Messages
This appendix lists error and other messages that might be encountered during operation of the instrument. In some
cases, encountered errors can be remedied by the user, while in other cases, you might need to contact Giga-tronics
support. This appendix consists of the following sections:
“Start-Up Error Messages” - This section lists the messages that might be encountered during the instrument’s
power-up sequence.
“NVRAM Messages” - This section lists messages that might be encountered if the system detects problems with the
internal non-volatile memory (NVRAM).
“Remote Error Messages” - This section lists the messages that might be encountered during remote operation of
the instrument.
Start-up Error Messages
If the system encounters any problems during the start-up sequence, a message is displayed after start-up is complete.
Typically, you should contact Giga-tronics customer support if any start-up error messages are encountered. The
message that is displayed has the following format:
Error code:
Startup Failure, see manual
is a 20-digit binary number representing the errors that have occurred. The right most digit
corresponds to Error #1 in Table 84 on page 133, and the left most digit corresponds to Error #20. A “1” in a particular
bit position indicates an error. For example, the following message displayed after start-up:
Error code: 00000000000000000111
Startup Failure, see manual
Indicates that Errors #1, 2, and 3 (shown in Table 84 on page 133) have been detected.