To access the Easy channel localisation mode, start from the thermostat normal operation
screen and press the
button key twice (the “Enabling supplementary parameter pages”
menu must be set on GFC). In this way you can localise the channels implemented by
the device, to insert them in the various functions created with the Easy configurator
(Easy Controller). Use the
button key to select the channels you want to localise,
then press the
button key to send the BUS command for localising the chosen channel:
to confirm the sending operation, the
icon will light up temporarily. To quit the Easy
channel localisation mode, just press the
button key again or wait 30 seconds from
the last pressure on the button keys.
SLA (Slave)
Used to set:
• from remote, with other Easy devices, the type
(heating/cooling) and HVAC operating mode (or Setpoint)
of the thermostat. Examples of devices that can be used:
Easy timed thermostat, GSM Easy remote control, Easy
command and visualisation panel, Easy 4-channel
interface, etc.;
• the OFF mode of the thermostat, with priority over all
other commands, if an open window is detected by a
remote device. When a “closed window” is detected, the
thermostat returns to the previous operating mode or to
that of the last command received during the OFF forcing;
• the storage/reproduction of up to 8 scenes. The
thermostat stores the current type, HVAC operating mode
and setpoint.
CDH (Heating command)
Used to send the ON/OFF command to the Easy actuators
that control the solenoid valve of the heating or
heating/cooling system.
Easy channel localisation mode