Model 4802A
3.0 Installation
This chapter discusses what to do when a Model 4802A is received, the terminal
connections & designations, sensor location considerations and what to be aware of
when applying power.
3.1 Upon Receipt of Equipment
All equipment shipped by General Monitors is packaged in shock absorbing containers,
which provides considerable protection against physical damage. The contents should
be carefully removed and checked against the packing slip. If any damage has occurred
or if there is any discrepancy in the order, notify General Monitors as soon as possible.
All subsequent correspondence with General Monitors must specify the equipment part
and serial numbers.
Each Model 4802A is completely checked at the factory; however, a complete checkout
is necessary upon initial installation and start-up to ensure system integrity.
3.2 Control Module Installation
A rack or panel mounted chassis will be required when installing any Zero Two Series
Module. These chassis should be mounted in non-hazardous, weather-protected
locations and should be subjected to minimal shock and vibrations. The rack and panel
mounted chassis are available in 4, 8, and 16 channel sizes. Multiple 16-channel
chassis may be connected to each other to form larger systems.
In installations where two or more module types are to be mixed in the same chassis,
ensure that the individual coding strips match the channel application. The coding strips
are pre-configured at the factory and the male portion is already on each module.
The female portion, if un-mounted, must be fastened into position on the mounting strip
of the desired chassis channel so as to mate with its counterpart on the module (see
Figure 19).
Figure 19 – Control Module Coding Strip