Genelec Loudspeaker Manager (GLM) 2.0 - System Operating Manual
page 45 of 55
Sound Character Profiler tool
If you feel the
spectral balance of your system needs adjustment, i.e. making it generally
darker or brighter, the Sound Character Profiler found in the Group pull-down menu is a quick
place to start. The two parameters, ‘Extension’ and ‘Strength’, influence all SAM monitors in a
Group and their effect can be seen on the shelving filters for each monitor in the selected Group.
Individual shelving filters may be further adjusted on the Acoustic Settings page, if so desired.
However note that any further modifications to the high-frequency (HF) Shelving filters negates the
established “profile” for that particular monitor and has no effect on the remaining monitors in the
The Sound Character Profiler tool (SCP) can be accessed via the ‘Group | Sound Character
Profiler’ menu. The ‘Extension’ parameter is used to select an effective frequency bandwidth of the
SCP tool and the ‘Strength’ parameter is used to set the strength of the SCP tool.
Figure 29. Sound Character Profiler tool