Genelec Loudspeaker Manager (GLM) 2.0 - System Operating Manual
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Basic Use of GLM
The main page of the GLM software offers the basic monitoring system controls (Figure 18)
system level
selection and activation of Groups using group tabs
status indications and feedback of the SAM subwoofers and monitors
mute, dim, and reference level selections
These features are also available in the main window, but we will discuss these in more detail in
the section ‘Advanced Use of the GLM’.
Bass Management Bypass button (when a subwoofer is used) to drive low frequencies to
all monitors instead of sending them to a subwoofer
‘Bypass AutoCal’ to quickly evaluate the effects of AutoCal calibration
quick access to monitor and subwoofer settings, by double-clicking on the monitor and
subwoofer icons
quick access to GLM Adapter information, by double-clicking on the adapter icon.
quick access to rerun AutoCal automatic calibration, by double clicking on the microphone
system management menu commands
Figure 18. GLM software main page.