MDS 05-3438A01, Rev. F
MDS 4790/9790 Series I/O Guide
Evaluate system performance in the
mode. In most cases, this setting
provides satisfactory performance. If it does not, evaluate the BER at the other
Receive Level [–20
to +3]
Use this screen to set or show the radio’s audio receive level when the radio is
operating as an analog device.Set the audio receive level from –20 to +3 dBm.
To change the audio receive level, press ENTER.
You do not need to use the
left/right arrow buttons to select a digit
. Instead:
To increase the receive level, press the up or left arrow button (
To decrease the receive level, press the down or right arrow button (
Press ENTER again to make the change.
(Operable only on the “A”/analog model radios.)
Transmit Gain
Use this screen to enable or disable the transmit audio boost for the transmit audio
level (operable only on the “A”/analog model radios).
Receive Pad
Use this screen to enable or disable the receive attenuator for the receive audio
Alarm Masks
Use this screen to display hexadecimal codes which specify whether each alarm
event will cause:
• an alarm output relay to assert
• a radio switch-over.
The screen also shows the alarm sense setting. For an explanation, or to change
the alarm masks, see the following PC commands:
Display Contrast
Use this screen to set the intensity of the front panel display’s foreground
characters. Making the characters darker might aid the clarity of the front panel
display when viewed from an angle.
The bar display indicates the relative intensity of the foreground characters, with
being faint characters and
being dark characters.
TXLEVEL [–20 to +3, AUTO]
Page 59
R e c e i v e L e v e l
- 1 d B m
RXLEVEL [–20 to +3] command
Page 53
T r a n s m i t G a i n
d i s a b l e d
TXGAIN [ON/OFF] command
Page 59
R e c e i v e P a d
d i s a b l e d
RXPAD [ON/OFF] command
Page 53
A l a r m M a s k s
M a j o r F F F F 0 0 0 0
M i n o r 0 0 0 0 F F F F
A l a r m S e n s e i s H I
AMASK [0000 0000–FFFF
FFFF] command
Page 40
ASENSE [HI/LO] command
Page 40
D i s p l a y C o n t r a s t
0 5 0 1 0 0
RSPSupply - 1-888-532-2706 -