reTrofiTTing a CriMper
Gates GC20 Cortex
Install the distance sensor on the back left tie rod (if facing the crimper).
Start by loosely attaching the hose clamp near the top of the tie rod.
When securing the clamp, pinch the clamp and hold a finger over the
nut on the attachment end to keep the nut square with the screw. Then
hand-tighten to avoid cross threading. Tighten the clamp enough to hold
the sensor in place, but is not fully tightened. Orient the sensor so that
the body of the sensor is parallel to the crimper tie rod.
Install the lower mounting bracket of the distance sensorto the channel
by using the hole from the removel of the actuator rod. Line up the
L-bracket on the sensor assembly under the channel so that it sits flush
against both the back and bottom of the channel. Use the bolt provided
to go through the top of the channel and the opening in the bracket,
attach with the washer, lock washer, and hex nut. Tighten firmly. Double
check that the L-bracket is flush with the channel on both the back and
bottom points of contact.
Distance Sensor
Lock Washer
Hex Nut