Audio Applications
Using QueVoice
Select Beam from
the Files options
From Palm
Desktop select the Install Tool
Files added to the Install Tool are sent to the SD
Card when you perform a HotSync
Importing and Exporting QueVoice Files
You can import and export .WAV voice files using either the infared
beaming feature or the HotSync
operation. If a location is attached to a
QueVoice file, it will be sent as well.
Only QueVoice files import to the QueVoice application, all other
.WAV files are stored on the SD card and can be accessed using the
QueAudio application.
Using the Beam feature:
1. Turn On your iQue Handheld and position to receive the signals from
another handheld with the same feature.
2. Beam the desired fi le from the other handheld.
3. When the .WAV voice fi le has been received, if it is QueVoice compat-
ible it will be accessible from QueVoice while those fi les that are
not QueVoice compatible can be stored on the SD card and be
accessed from the QueAudio application.
Using Palm
Desktop Software:
1. Select a .WAV voice fi le to import from your PC.
2. Open Palm Desktop and click the
Install Tool
icon to display the
3. Click and drag the desired fi le to the window.
4. Or... click the Add... button to display the Open window and use the
“Look In:” fi eld to fi nd your fi le. Highlight the fi le, then click Open to
place in the Install Tool window.
and an Install Tool message tells you that the fi le will be
sent to the iQue the next time you perform a HotSync
Files imported in this manner will be placed on the external card.
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6/23/2003, 3:18:45 PM