Figure 39: Analog Inputs Page
Analog Inputs 1 and 5 are reserved for inputs for the analyzer’s cell pressure transducer
and cell temperature RTD respectively. These inputs should NOT be modified except
under the express instruction of Galvanic Applied Sciences. Unauthorized modification
to these inputs may result in the AccuLase-GPA™ being unable to function normally.
sections for each Analog Input are used to configure and calibrate
each analog input so the input from the connected device is displayed correctly. Excitation
The Excitation section is used to configure the excitation voltage or current that is used to excite
the connected device. The selection of current or voltage will depend on the type of device
connected – check with the device manufacturer for more information. Calibration
The Calibration section consists of a variety of parameters that must be correctly configured for
the data input from the external device to be displayed correctly in the AccuLase-GPA™ web GUI
and on the analyzer’s local display screen. The parameters that must be configured are described
in Table 17.
Table 17: Calibration Configuration
A word or phrase used to describe what the analog input is displaying. The
description entered here will be used elsewhere in the web GUI and on the
analyzer’s local display when referring to this analog input.
The displayed measurement unit associated with the analog input. This
measurement unit is ONLY used for display – changing the unit entered here
does not automatically convert the displayed value to the new unit.