Heat Pump, Split System, Single Service, 3 phase
Maintenance Document
With prim controller/system pump
Line no.
Programming line
With prim contr/system pump
(no / yes)
This setting specifies whether the cooling circuit is
supplied from the primary controller or from the
primary pump (depending on the installation). It can
also be used to provide cooling to the second zone.
In the case of a radiator or any other emitter which
does not support the cooling mode in zone 2, this
setting must remain on "No".
Optg mode changeover
Line no.
Programming line
969 Optg
(none / Off / Automatic)
In case of an external change via inputs H2 the
operating mode to which the changeover will be
performed must be previously defined
6.3.6 DHW Functions
The control sets the DHW temperature, according to
the time program or continuously, to the desired
setpoint. The priority of DHW charging over room
heating is adjustable in this case.
The controller has a configurable legionella function
designed for protection against legionella in the
storage tank and the pipes. The circulation pump is
controlled according to the current time program and
operating mode.
Setpoint value
Line no.
Programming line
1610 Nominal
Reduced setpoint
The DHW is heated to various setpoint values. These
setpoints are active according to the selected
operating mode and allow the desired temperatures
to be reached in the DHW storage tank.
For optimal operation we recommend reducing the
setpoints to the lowest value.
Setpoints which are too high may interfere with
heating and cause some discomfort. In this case
DHW/Heating changeover cycles may successively
If DHW charge boosting is not desired during the day,
we recommend adjusting the reduced temperature
setpoint to 15°C. Full charging will occur during the
night at the nominal temperature.
DHW reduced setpoint
Nominal setpoint
DHW max setpoint