Testing FM Systems with FONIX 6500-CX Analyzers
BTE aid with neck loop (Figure 1.1.1D)
Within the range of the coupler microphone cable, choose a location to seat the lis-
tener that is free of stray magnetic fields (away from video monitors and other elec-
trical devices), while also maintaining the required separation (2 ft./60 cm) from the
transmitter. It may be necessary to turn the analyzer’s video monitor off during test-
Place the neck loop around the listener’s neck or around the neck of a person of sim-
ilar size.
Attach the listener’s hearing aid to the HA-2 coupler.
While holding the coupler in hand, place the hearing aid at the listener’s ear, as typi-
cally worn.
Take care not to move or touch the coupler microphone while testing.
Figure 1.1.1D
Neck loop
to Analyzer
FM Receiver