Testing FM Systems with FONIX 6500-CX Analyzers
2.3 Testing FM+ENV
This section contains a description of the different real-ear measurements of FM systems
when the client primarily uses the system with the environmental microphone added to the
FM signal (FM+ENV mode). These measurements are:
Response of aid with 65 dB SPL signal at 1 kHz
Response of FM transmitter/receiver with 65 dB SPL signal at 1 kHz
Verify increase of FM transmitter/receiver when signal level is increased to 80 dB SPL.
RHA65: typical real-ear response of the aid
RFE80: typical real-ear response of the FM transmitter/receiver
REF65: typical real-ear response of environmental microphone
RHA90: saturation real-ear response of the aid
RFE90: saturation real-ear response of the FM transmitter/receiver
REF90: saturation real-ear response of environmental microphone
2.3.1 Single frequency output of hearing aid
1. Press [RESET] on the main module of the 6500-CX.
2. Enter Real-ear Mode by pressing [START/STOP] on the remote module. This will
open the Insertion Gain Screen.
3. Set up the client for a normal real-ear measurement as described in Section 2.1.1.
Make sure to level the sound field speaker.
Figure 2.3.1
Hearing aid output with 65 dB SPL signal at 1 kHz