It is forbidden to duplicate this manual or parts of it in any way or any form without written permission of the author © 2006
Dashes at the upper part of the display indicate an overload of the scale of more than 9 counts.
LobAt 1: battery voltage indicator is to low (under 7V)
LobAt 2: battery voltage transmitter is to low (under 7V)
LobAt 3: battery voltage option board is to low (under 12V)
ERR 01:
the scale is too much negative, under load.
ERR 02:
the scale is far too much positive, overload.
ERR 03:
communication error with transmitter, battery of the transmitter is probably empty.
ERR 04: not used.
ERR 05:
counting error, the piece weight is too small.
ERR 06:
accumulator error, weight not through zero.
ERR 07: printing error.
ERR 08:
problems with the A/D converter, it must be exchanged.