FRITZ!Box 7369
Security with MyFRITZ!
Security with MyFRITZ!
For the following MyFRITZ! activities the HTTPS security proto-
col is used:
setting up a MyFRITZ! account with
registration of the FRITZ!Box with the MyFRITZ! account
accessing the MyFRITZ! page of your FRITZ!Box over
accessing the user interface of the FRITZ!Box over
and over the MyFRITZ!App.
The FRITZ!Box generates its own HTTPS certificate. Because
this certificate does not come from a certification authority
preconfigured in common browsers, you have to confirm in
your web browser or in the MyFRITZ!App that the connection
should be established nevertheless. Firefox and Internet Ex-
plorer will remember your confirmation and refrain from
showing any further warnings.
The HTTP protocol is used to update the IP address with the
MyFRITZ! web service each day. The password is never trans-
mitted as clear text.
For further details on the HTTPS and HTTP protocols, see the
Access from the Internet via HTTPS, FTP and FTPS