Position the door camera
Find a position for the door camera where the call
button is easy to press and the camera can ‘see’ visitors
The following points are important:
The height needs to be between 1.3 and 1.5 metres
(4.5 to 5ft) above the ground or step where visitors
normally stand.
The camera is adjustable through a 30° total angle
left to right, and 60° top to bottom. Position the
unit to ensure the camera has sight of your visitor.
Avoid a position where the camera faces into the
sun, as this may overload the camera and visitors
will appear very dark. Facing large areas of bright
sky should also be avoided when possible by
pointing the camera down, rather than up.
Position the camera where the motion sensor is not
blocked from approaching visitors. Avoid locating
the camera where passing people or traffi c will cause
false triggering. Note that the motion sensor range
is approximately 4m and that it can be switched off
if necessary (see ‘Door camera’, page 9).
The mounting surface should be of brick or wood
construction, and not of metal, reinforced concrete,
or heavy stone (i.e. more than 40cm thick)
construction – as this may block the transmitted
The mounting surface should be even and fl at, to
avoid distorting the door camera case, Level any
uneven surface before mounting, as a distorted base
can let rainwater into the unit.
Do not mount within 30cm of large metal objects, or
steel reinforced PVC frames, as this reduces or blocks
signals to the receiver.
Keep the base of the door camera clear of shelves or
other projections that might block the light sensor
under the unit. An obscured sensor causes the
camera to switch into black and white mode.
If the door camera is to be powered separately by
a bell transformer, then routing and fi xing of the
power cable must also be considered.
Position the receiver
The receiver must be positioned within range of the
door camera (i.e. less than 30m in a typical building).
Test the system
To ensure reliable operation, we recommend that both
the door camera and receiver are powered up in their
planned position(s), to check that the receiver has a
good signal from the door camera.
To test the system, have someone hold the door camera
against the wall in the selected mounting position and
press the call button, while you check the reception on
the receiver unit.
If the picture quality is poor, or there is no response
when the call button is pressed, then there are three
possible reasons:
1. The units may be too far apart (more than 30–40m
in a typical house). Try moving the receiver closer.
2. There is nearby interference on the video channel.
Remove the door camera back and change the video
channel switch from CH 1 to, for example, CH 3. Test
the system again, selecting a different channel if
channel 3 is no better.
Refer to the troubleshooting section for more
information on interference reduction.
3. The door camera has not been programmed into the
receiver (refer to page 4).
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