The 4 digits on this text in reference to each work-piece correspond with the 4 digits in bold listed
at the end of the manual. X
A.- Operating features
The mechanical spindle is actuated by means of crank (1060) which is fitted in the torque rod (0323).
When the crank is turned, the threaded spindle (0216) runs through the spindle shoe (040) pushing the
movable jaw (0033) until jaw plate (0036) meets the work piece to be clamped. When the threaded
spindle (0216) encounters resistance, it stops turning.
By continuing the cranking action, the coupling disc (0205) uncouples from the coupling body (0324-
090, 0121-125,160,200) and allows the turning of the torque rod (0323) jointly with the spindle sleeve
(0303). Because of this turning, the torque rod (0323) advances and consequently pushes on the axial
bearing assembly parts (0209), which in turn pushes the wedge (0214) into the pressure intensifier
assembly (0212).
The pressure created by the mechanical action of the wedge (0214) on the rollers (0236) and (0237)
pushes the secondary plate (0235) which in turn pushes pushrod (0218-090, 0002-125,160,200)
forward. The pushrod, through pressure plate (0034) and movable jaw (0033), transmits the amplified
power developed by the mechanical pressure intensifier assembly to the clamping jaw.
The maximum pressure moment is produced once spindle sleeve (0303) has been cranked forward to
turn up against the shoulder of cylinder (0211). The moment this point is reached, it is useless trying
to increase the pressure by hammering on the crank or any other forceful method which could cause
damage on the vice-spindle.
In the event that it is not necessary all the pressure, it can be reduced, limiting the course of the spindle
sleeve (0303) upon the cylinder (0211) having in mind that the pressure is nearly proportional to the
distance run by the spindle sleeve.
If clutch disengages before the movable jaw plate (0036) meets the workpiece, remove the spindle
from the vice and clean.
If the spindle unit ever should need repairs, please send us the spindle unit itself only. To remove it
from the vice, just unscrew the mounting plate screws (0031) and then unscrew the unit off spindle
shoe (0040).
B.- Installation of multiplier assembly
1. Place O-Rings (0239-0240) on primary plate (0238) and screw retaining rods (0245) to the top of
the plate.
2. Push the wedge (0241) into the primary plate being careful of the O-Ring.
3. Place the retaining plates (0244) into slots on the primary plate.
4. Put one small roller (0237) on each side of the wedge. Follow this with the large rollers (0236).
5. Place the secondary plate (0235) into the cylinder matching the grooves onto the reatining plates.
6. Screw the cylinder head screw (0243) with spring (0242), into the secondary plate, until the top of the
screw is level with the top of the plate. IMPORTANT : DO NOT TIGHTEN SCREWS. The assembly
must be loose, and the wedge should be able to move once assembled i.e.: The assembly should
“float”. Tightening the screws will render the pressure amplifier system inoperative.