Chapter 3 BIOS Description
400M01 Series User Manual
HDD & FDD (Default: ON)
When on of HDD & FDD, any activity from one of the listed system peripheral
devices or IRQs wakes up the system. The setting values are: OFF, ON.
PCI Master (Default: OFF)
When on of PCI master, any activity from one of the listed system peripheral
devices or IRQs wakes up the system. The setting values are: OFF and ON.
PowerOn by PCI Card (Default: Disabled)
If “Enabled” any PCI interrupt will wake up the system. The setting values are:
Disabled and Enabled.
Modem Ring Resume (Default: Disabled)
This option is used to set the system to be waked up by the modem ring. The
setting values are: Disabled and Enabled.
RTC Alarm Resume (Default: Disabled)
This option is used to set alarm to power on the system by the date (1-31) or
time (hh:mm:ss). The setting values are: Disabled and Enabled.
Date (of Month)
This option is used to set the timing for the start-up day of the month. The setting
values contain 0 – 31.
Resume Time (hh:mm:ss)
This option is used to set the timing for the start-up time. The setting values
contain hh:0 – 23; mm:0 – 59; ss:0 – 59.
IRQs Activity Monitoring
Press enter to set the items of IRQs activity monitoring. Please refer to page
2004-3-18, 13:49