FORTEZA JSC FORTEZA FMC 24 Pro (100m, 200m, 300m)
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2.1.6. The sensors
with different channels should be
mounted on the neighbor sectors.
When the sensor is mounted one after another on the sectors, a number of the channels
should be repeated successively from 1 to 4 providing the maximum distance of the sensors
with the same letter.
2.1.7. To increase the detection zone in the height, it is possible to align the sensors in
two tiers. The sensors should have different channels; two transmitters should be installed
from one side of the protected area, two receivers – from another one. The sectors lengths
should be identical.
2.1.8. The sensor can limit the maximum intruder’s speed. If the maximum intruder’s
speed is reduced, the interference immunity will be increased. The manufacture produces the
sensors with the maximum intruder’s speed of 4 m/sec up to 10 m/s .You can reduce the
mainimum intruder’s speed up to 0 ,1 m/sec (“middle”) and up to 0,4 m/sec (“low”)*. The
speed of the violator can be adjusted by connecting to the sensor using an Android device
with the “Forteza Soft” app or using the Windows “Forteza Software” device program. After
that it is necessary to set the alarm sensitivity again.
For example: open perimeter section - high movement speed of the violator (set min.
0.2 m/s max 10 m/s); standard protection section along the fence (set min. 0.2 m/s, max. 8
m/s) - average movement speed of the violator; the sensor is mounted on top of the fence -
low speed of the violator (set min. 0.1 m/s, max. 8 m/s).
2.2. TX and RX mounting
2.2.1. Mark the perimeter area for the places where the supports will be mounted. To
generate a continuous protected boundary, the installation of Tx and Rx isn’t permitted
adjacent perimeter sectors. The right installation on adjacent perimeter sectors is Tx and Tx,
Rx and Rx. To generate the continuous protected boundary, it is necessary to provide the
overlapping of the sectors detection zones (see fig. 2.1 and 2.2). The overlapping is
necessary to eliminate the possibility of the sector overcoming under or above Tx (Rx)
unit near the support.
2…3 m
2…3 m