What Can I Say?
To access the available voice commands for the current session, do one
of the following:
During a voice session, press the lower left status bar of the screen,
Say “What can I say?” for an on-screen listing of the possible voice
commands associated with your current voice session, OR
Press the voice icon; after the tone, say “Help” for an audible list of
possible voice commands.
To Access a List of Available Commands
Press Menu > Help > Voice Command List, OR
Press the voice icon; after the tone, speak your command clearly:
Voice command list
“Audio list of commands”
“Bluetooth audio list of commands”
“Browse list of commands”
“CD list of commands”
“Climate control list of commands”
“List of commands”
“Navigation list of commands”*
“Phone list of commands”
“Radio list of commands”
“SD card list of commands”
“Sirius satellite list of commands”*
“Travel link list of commands”*
“USB list of commands”
“Voice instructions list of commands”
“Voice settings list of commands”
*If equipped
MyFord Touch™
2013 Flex
Owners Guide gf, 1st Printing