maui KR 115-280 aluminium thermal units are heat condensing generators, designed for room heating, and, if combined with a
storage-type water heater, also for the production of domestic hot water.
They are made up of:
- an aluminium body having a low water content and a high exchange surface to maximize energy efficiency and heat output;
- a stainless steel and fully pre-mixed micro-flame burner, allowing high modulation ratios, combustion stability and low emissions
(NOx Class = 5);
- a variable-speed fan needed for air/gas modulation and mixing;
- a combustion circuit, either of "C-type" (sealed) or of "B-type" (open), depending on the environment where the device is
installed and on the flue gas vent configuration selected upon installation;
- an electronic control unit, which, if combined with an external probe, allows setting the flow temperature depending on the
external temperature. in this way, the device delivers solely the heat actually needed, avoiding any waste of energy. The device
features a self-diagnostic function with display of the error codes and of the parameters operating at the moment the fault
occurred, to assist the work of the Technical Service.
Moreover, during prolonged periods of non-use or holiday, the device is always protected by the Antifreeze Function, which is
automatically activated if the flow temperature drops below 5°C, and is deactivated when it rises above 15°C. Of course during
those periods the device's gas and power supplies must be on.
When designing the device, specific solutions were implemented to:
- achieve constant and optimal air/gas mixing;
- reduce heat losses;
- reduce noise level.
maui KR 115-280 thermal units are preset for connection to 0-10 V DC controls and for cascade-type operation of up to 6 units.
They can be fitted with different system accessories, as for instance, a mixing bottle or a water circuit breaker, an isPEsL unit
assisting the installation personnel and complying with the Law requirements.
maui KR 115-280 devices are fitted with the following safety, check and setting equipment:
- Probe located on the device body that ensures its thermal safety in case the detected temperature rises above the maximum
allowed value. Manual reset from device keypad.
- A water pressure sensor which is triggered when hydraulic circuit pressure falls below 1.2 bar.
- A condensate pressure switch which is triggered when the flue gas pressure in the condensate collection tank exceeds 5 mbar.
- A flue gas safety probe which is triggered when the flue gas temperature is too high.
- A gas pressure switch which is triggered when the supply gas pressure is below 14 mbar.
- hydraulic circuit diagnostics to protect the thermal unit from:
- overtemperatures, checking the temperature difference between flow and return (ΔT);
- from inadequate water circulation inside the body, checking the temperature difference between the probe on the body and
the flow probe.
The triggering of the safety equipment signals a potentially dangerous malfunction of the device. If this happens, please contact
the Technical Service immediately.
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