- 18
Follow these instructions when installing the device on old systems or systems to be updated:
- in case you are using an existing flue pipe, make sure that it is suitable for the new condensing device, that it has been calculated
and manufactured in compliance with the Standards, that it is as straight as possible, sealed, insulated and that it has no
obstructions or narrowings.
- The flue pipe must be fitted with a connection for draining the condensate.
- The electric system must comply with the specific Standards and must be carried out by qualified personnel.
- The gas supply line and the tank (if available) must comply with the specific standards and fitted with a gas meter.
- Make sure that the expansion tank is capable of absorbing completely the expansion of the fluid contained in the system.
- Make sure the system has been washed and cleaned from sludge and fouling, and check the hydraulic sealing.
- Check for the presence of a system for treating the supply and make-up water, as described in the following section.
- make sure that efficient systems for removing air and impurities up to 5 μm are implemented (for example: Y-shaped
filters, micro impurity and micro air bubble separators).
- If an automatic filling system is fitted, install a litre meter to determine the correct amount of any possible leakage.
- Do not drain the water from the system during routine maintenance, even if the amount of drained water seems to be
insignificant. For instance, install suitable cut-off valves to clean the filters.
(*) the manufacturer will not be held responsible for any damages resulting from a wrong execution of the flue gas vent
or from continuous water make-ups in the thermal unit.
Before installing the device, make sure to clean piping and heating bodies thoroughly.
cHaRacteRistics oF tHe WateR used FoR FillinG tHe sYstem
Fill the system with water having the following characteristics:
pH :
from 6.5 to 8.5 (presence of aluminium)
Ca+++ Mg++ :
less than 0.5°f
Oh- + 1/2 Ca3- : from 5 to 15°f
from 10 to 30 mg/l
from 20 to 50 mg/l
If the system water is in contact with aluminium, its ph must be lower than 8.5.
If the analysis of a sample of the water which is to be used for filling the system evidences that its values do not lie within the given
ranges, the use of an inhibitor is required. This is necessary to prevent limescale build-up, which could compromise the boiler's
correct operation.
An inhibitor against proliferation of bacteria must be used in systems operating at low temperatures.
For water treatment in domestic heating systems, refer to uni 8065 standard of 1989.
WaRRantY does not coVeR oPeRations and RePlacement oF PaRts ResultinG FRom limescale Build-uP.
WaRninG: both on new systems and in case of replacements, make sure that efficient systems for removing air and impurities up
to 5 μm are implemented (for example: Y-shaped filters, micro impurity and micro air bubble separators).