Doc No: OMM50001254
Rev: A Page 27 of 47
Subject to contractual terms and conditions to the contrary, this document and all the information contained herein are the confidential and exclusive
property of FMC Technologies, and may not be reproduced, disclosed, or made public in any manner prior to express written authorization by FMC.
7. Inspect all o-rings, gaskets, seals, and other components for signs of damage or
wear. Any damaged components should be replaced at this time. Inspect the
ceramic cylinders for cracks or grooves by visual inspection and running
thumbnail around the bore of the cylinder. Replace if grooves or cracks are
detected. New piston cups will wear quickly if operated in cylinders with rough or
grooved bores. Note: to provide maximum operational time between service,
FMC recommends that both piston cups, not just the one that shows signs of
leakage, be replaced whenever piston service is required.
8. Ensure that the umbrella fluid shield (50) is not damaged. A damaged umbrella
could allow fluid to contaminate the power end oil. If the umbrella requires
replacement, the best way to remove it from the pump is to cut it free with a sharp
Note: I04 pumps are not equipped with umbrellas.
Note: it is recommended that all associated gaskets or o-rings be replaced at each
piston cup service interval.
9. If new umbrellas (50) are required, fold
the plastic as shown and insert through
the opening of the crosshead bore of
the power frame, and over the ends of
the crosshead shaft. For easier
installation of the umbrella, immerse in
boiling water for 2-3 minutes to soften.
Use caution to avoid burns or scalding
when working with hot water.