Figure 5.12: FMQuadro routing tables menu.
time parameters are displayed including the current signal strength, the
packet error rate and the link utilization. Additionally, the current conges-
tion level of the link is monitored. Visual alarms and warnings are triggered
whenever anomalous condition are detected.
A table, placed at the bottom of the window, reports the network units ad-
dress summary and can be viewed by clicking on the proper button as re-
ported in Fig. 5.14. It is possible to assign a mnemonic identifier to each of
the Fluidmesh units. This may be convenient especially with a large mesh
FMQuadro is an accurate representation of the network, so it can be useful
to add a map of the area in which the Fluidmesh system is deployed.
this end, the top toolbar provides several intuitive buttons to manage the
background map upload and control. Once the map is uploaded, the FMu-
nits can be dragged to their real installation places. Finally, the modified
layout can be saved and used again in the future.
The FMQuadro engine collects statistics from the entire network through
the Mesh End Web-based GUI. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to di-
rectly connect to remote units, since the overall network status can be mon-
itored real-time trough the Mesh End device.
Maps can be freely downloaded through Google Earth (