3.1. Connection to an external computer as an evaluation device
Connection via RS232
– interface
Connect the RS232
– connecting cable with the RS232 – interface on the frontplate
Connect the other side of the RS232
– connecting cable with the computer.
Connection of the RS232
– adaptor plug into the interface
Connect the adaptor with the connection SV 1 on
the CCM 01 (the marked side of the ribbon cable
should point to the case).
Connect the other side of the adaptor cable with the
SUB-D cable (9-pin, 1:1).
In order to prevent damages on the
CCM 01 or your computer, please make sure
that you connect the adaptor plug the right way.
Connection of the Bluetooth modul EBT 01
Bluetooth is an industrial standard according
IEEE 802.15.1 for the wireless networking of
devices over a short distance (outdoor up to
50 meter, depends on the adapter).
The principal purpose is to replace the data
cables between the devices.
Put the Bluetooth modul EBT 01 in the port
SV 1 of the CCM 01.
3.2. Continuous data transfer of the actual measurements
In this mode it is possible to transfer the actual measurement results from the CCM 01 to an
external computer via RS232 or the Bluetooth modul EBT 01. (see chapter 3.1) The
measurement results can be displayed on the computer using a communication program
(for example: HyperTerminal form Microsoft windows)
HyperTerminal is a communication program, beginning with version 2.0, that is provided
with the windows system software.
Establish a connection between the computer and the CCM 01 by using the
HyperTerminal on the software side and by using the adaptor plug or the Bluetooth
modul on the hardware side.