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Pickup Mode: Multiple Pickups per Customer Site
User Guide
This workflow allows you to pickup multiple loads from a single customer site and print an accompanying ticket at the end. The
device display will return to zero between each load. The ticket will highlight each independent load that was picked up for that
customer. Customer profiles can be uploaded in advance via USB as detailed on page 37.
1� Home Screen
This is the home screen for Pickup Mode.
Press :
to log your arrival at a customer site, prompting customer selection.
2� Customer Selection
Navigate up or down to select the relevant customer account.
Press :
3� Collect First Load
Collect the first load from the customer. (Customer A).
5� Collect Second Load
Collect the second load from the customer. (Customer A).
Previously logged loads are referenced in the top left.
7� Collect Third Load
Collect the third load from the customer. (Customer A).
Previously logged loads are referenced in the top left.
4� Complete First Load
The display shows the Net weight of the load collected from Customer A.
Press :
to log the first load and return the display to zero.
6� Complete Second Load
The display shows the Net weight of the load collected from Customer A.
Press :
to log the second load and return the display to zero.
8� Complete Third (Final) Load
The display shows the Net weight of the final load collected from Customer A.
Press :
to log your departure from the site. A customer ticket will be printed.
v1_000035_FT-30M 21/06/2016