Flash Technology
Revision A - 2/13/2020
Figure 1-2: PC 270: PCB 1: Controller Board: F2161000
Each PC 270 will have one PCB1 controller board which is responsible for ensuring that all 3 LED panels flash in
sync with each other in the proper mode. It also ensures that the FH 270 flashes in sync with the other lights on
the tower structure.
The controller board also includes the LED driver circuitry for the RED and INFRARED LED strings.
NOTE: The termination jumper found on PCB1 should always be in the open position, unless it is the last lighting
unit in the RS-485 communication line (the light furthest from the FTC 270 ground controller). If an FTS 372 AOL is
present then all PC 270 jumpers will be in the open position and closed on the FH 372.
In the “Configuration” area of the PCB1 Controller board there are (3) rotary dials. The tier and beacon rotary dials
are used to set the RS-485 address, which must be a unique setting for each PC 270. The TIER rotary dial supports
up to 6 tiers. The BEACON dial allows up to 8 FH 270s per tier. More details about the MODE dial can be found on
the next page.
NOTE: The lowest level of lights is considered as Tier 1 (T1).