Firetide HotPort 5020-M Mesh Node Скачать руководство пользователя страница 24

HotPort 5020-M node installation 






Note: Shown with a MIMO panel 
antenna connected to Radio 1. 





Put the correct end of the power cable into the PoE injector. 



Put the plug end of the power cord into a grounded AC power source. 



Attach an Ethernet cable from the wireless node to the IN port. 



Attach an Ethernet cable from the out port to the Ethernet 
connector of the node. 



Attach all other cables including the AC power cable if you do not use the PoE 



Attach 50 Ohm terminators on all unused antenna connectors. 



From the antenna cable to the device enclosure make each terminated 
antenna connector weatherproof. Use electrical tape and butyl mastic or 
silicone tape. 



Supply AC power to the mesh node. 
If PoE is connected correctly, the LED becomes a steady green color. 
After the nodes boot, they automatically make connections to each other. 

The nodes use the configuration that you created when you staged the 



Make the PoE connection weatherproof. See “Weatherproof procedures” on 

page 35. 



The PoE injector is not for outdoor use. Do not expose the 

PoE injector to rain or direct sun. 




Verify that the node works: 



Ping the IP address 



Use another mesh node 









Содержание HotPort 5020-M Mesh Node

Страница 1: ...HotPort FiretideInstallationGuide HotPort5020 MMeshNode Published March 2014 Revised 2016...

Страница 2: ...e logo Reliableconnectivityanywhere HotPort HotPoint and HotClientarealltrademarksofFiretide Inc Allothertrademarksarethepropertyoftheir respective owners Informationinthisdocumentissubjecttochangewit...

Страница 3: ...alhazardsarethoseenvironmentswherethedangerof electrocutionisprobable Thisimageappearsbeforeeachelectrical hazard statement Warnings contain safety information that you must obey If you do notobeythei...

Страница 4: ...information Youmustalsohaveadministratoraccesstothemeshtobeabletoreceive technical support Thenexttableliststhecontactinformationforcustomersupport Worldwide customer support Days Hours Contact Americ...

Страница 5: ...contentsforaHotPort5020 Mmeshnode 4 PartsofaHotPort5020 Mmeshnode 5 Groundscrew 6 LEDs 6 Resetbuttonandpressurereliefvalve 6 Antenna connectors 7 Testbeforeyouinstall 7 Requireditemsthatarenotincluded...

Страница 6: ...rproof procedures 27 Tools and materials to weatherproof connections 28 Makingaweatherproofantennaconnection 28 Makingaweatherproofcabletonodeconnection 30 Troubleshooting 33 DFS licenses 33 Cannotsee...

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Страница 8: ...otPort 5020 M nodes can be used in these countries US Australia Indonesia Japan Malaysia Philippines Singapore South Korea Taiwan Thailand and Vietnam Note Ifyoutrytosetthecountrycodetoacountryotherth...

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Страница 10: ...s outdoors theycanbedamaged Damagefromincorrectdeploymentis notcoveredbytheproductwarranty TwoRP SMAtotype Nadapters Mount kit U bolts M6x1 0 80mm withflatwashers splitwashers nuts Claw tooth pole gri...

Страница 11: ...or 2 Connector 3 Power LED Radio2 Connector 1 Connector 2 Connector 3 ThenextpictureshowstheconnectorsonthebottompanelofaHotPort5020 M mesh node Rubbercapon antenna connector Port DC power Reset butto...

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Страница 13: ...Antenna connector 2 Antenna connector 3 Test before you install Youshouldsetupandtestthemeshnodesindoorsonatablebeforeyouinstall theminpermanentlocations Thebenefitsoftestsbeforeyouinstallinclude Make...

Страница 14: ...shnodesatonetime TodotestsandcapturedatawithHotViewProsoftware 1 Putthemeshnodes ona table 2 Attachthepowercabletoeachmeshnode Caution Youmustusethepowersupplythatcomeswiththemeshnode Ifyouuseadiffere...

Страница 15: ...thatallofthemeshnodesarevisibleinHotViewPro Ifyoucannotseeanyorallofthemeshnodes seethetroubleshooting information in the HotView Pro Product Configuration Guide 9 Setthecountry codeforeachnodetochang...

Страница 16: ...than0 8km 0 5mile Todeterminethelongestlink youmeasurethedistancebetweenthemeshnodesonamap suchas Google Earth Setthemulti hopoptimizationfeatureiftheremightbehiddennode interference Note Forinformati...

Страница 17: ...e youneedtouse 2 Phillips screwdriver Small adjustable wrench Wirecutterstocuttiewrapsaroundcables Cable ties Electricaltapeandbutylmasticorsiliconetapetoweatherproofthe connectors Otherequipmentyoumi...

Страница 18: ...epole antennacombination This distance ensures that the polewillnot contact a powerlineif it falls duringor after installation Selectequipmentlocationsthatallowsafeandsimpleinstallation Donotworkalone...

Страница 19: ...ncludingelectricalshockorpermanentdamageto equipment Warning Make sure that all safety equipment is in good condition Do notusebrokenordamagedtoolsorequipment Alwaysusesafework practicesandobeyallloca...

Страница 20: ...ound Preparing earth ground Warning A HotPort node must be correctly connected to earth ground Failure to do so can result in equipment damage injury or death Theproductwarrantydoesnotincludedamagefro...

Страница 21: ...culatethecorrectgaugeofwiretobeusedinthisprocedure Refertothe NationalElectricalCodeforgroundinginformation Caution Thecertified installer is responsiblefor the correct calculation ofthewiregaugeandot...

Страница 22: ...undlugtothenode Ground wire from antennaconnector3 Ground wire from the mesh node enclosure Ground screw 6 Crimpthelugthatholdsthewirefromantennaconnector3andthe enclosure Connecttoearthground Caution...

Страница 23: ...hthecablesthathaveintegratedlightningarrestors orattach thecablesandinstalllightningarrestors Makedriploopswithcables Installallgroundingequipment Loosenthe groundscrew tightenthe ground screw to secu...

Страница 24: ...orsonallunusedantennaconnectors 8 Fromtheantennacabletothedeviceenclosuremakeeachterminated antennaconnectorweatherproof Useelectricaltapeandbutylmasticor siliconetape 9 SupplyACpowertothemeshnode IfP...

Страница 25: ...tiontothenode The mountbrackethasmultipleholesandslots soyoucanusebolts straps orother materialstoattachthenode toasurface ImageA showstheside of theplate to whichthechassis is attached ImageB showsth...

Страница 26: ...etpiecewithhooks Toattach a node to a wall 1 Makesureyouhaveenoughspaceabovethemountbracketsoyoucanhang themountplatehooksontherails 2 Usefourscrewsormasonry anchorstoattachthemountbracketsecurelyto t...

Страница 27: ...Put the two U bolts through the holes inthe gripper 2 Oneach U bolt put a washer a lock washer and a nut Note A polewith a small diameter usuallyrequires a second nut to hold the bracketawayfromtheU b...

Страница 28: ...atehooksovertherailsofthemountbracket Hooks Theinstallationiscorrectifthenodedoesnoteasilymovefromsidetoside andtheconnectorsareorientedtotheground Note If you need to add other straps or a sling to i...

Страница 29: ...2 UselockwashersandnutstosecurethebrackettotheU bolts 3 Hangthenodewith thehooks overtherailofthebracket Hooks 4 WiththePhillipsscrewdrivertightenthefourcaptivescrewstosecurethe nodetothebracket Thein...

Страница 30: ...poleandthreadthemthroughthechannels betweenthemainpieceofmetalandtherails Channels Rails 3 Securethestraps 4 Hangthenodewith thehooks overtherailofthebracket Hooks 5 WiththePhillipsscrewdrivertightent...

Страница 31: ...atherproofing includes Sealingallantennaconnectorsandantennaconnectorterminators InstallingtheweatherizedEthernetconnector Usingaspraytopreventcorrosiononthebracketandmounthardware For weatherizing pr...

Страница 32: ...HotPort5020 Mnodeinstallation 26...

Страница 33: ...20 meshnodewithasunshield Antenna with weatherproof connector Weatherproof connectors Meshnodewithsunshield Best practice You can use colored tape for easy identification of the connectors fromthe mes...

Страница 34: ...mastictapeputdirectlyonthecable Vinyl electricaltapeasacoveroverthemastictapepreventsthemasticfrommelting in hot weather Rubbersplicingormastictape alsoknownasself amalgamating self sealing self fusin...

Страница 35: ...rethattheFiretidedeviceworks 5 Wrapalayerofelectrical tape stickyside out overthe connector fromthe end to approximately2 5 cm 1inch of cable Overlap the tape by 40 with eachturn Note Wrap the electri...

Страница 36: ...layerof electrical tapeoverthefirst layerofelectrical tape Theantennaconnectorisreadyforinstallationinanoutdoorenvironment Makingaweatherproofcabletonodeconnection You need to make weatherproof two co...

Страница 37: ...r 3 Ensurethatthecableandconnectors areclean Cleanoff oil water grease anddirtbeforeyoucontinue 4 Wrap a layer of electrical tape sticky side out over the arrestor to node connectorandwrapapproximatel...

Страница 38: ...or 6 Tightlywrapa layerof mastictapeovertheelectrical tape Makea 40 overlap on each turn Start from the base of the unit to at least 2 5 cm 1 inch of the cable 7 Wrap a layer of electrical tape smooth...

Страница 39: ...managethe device from HotView Pro network management software FormoreinformationaboutDFSmanagement refertotheHotViewProReference Manual CannotseeanodeinHotViewPro HotPort5020nodesarenotsupportedinsolu...

Страница 40: ...rference onthe same node is caused by antennasthat aretoo close Inthecaseofdirectionalantennas werecommendatleast1meter 3feet of physical separation Self interferencewithinameshhappenswhennodesoperate...

Страница 41: ...anelofthenode Forthisprocedureyouneed Paperclip stiff wire orthinpieceofplasticorwood suchasaskewer Computer with HotView Pro Ethernetcable Wrenchoryourfingerstoturnthepressurevalve ToresetaHotPort502...

Страница 42: ...ater check box the scheduler copies the firmware imagetothenodebutdoesnotactivatethefirmware Whenyouscheduleanupgradetime SchedulerOperation Later theHotView server ifitisrunning starts thejobatthesch...

Страница 43: andthenselect themesh or devicebyID or name Note Thesystemselectsallnodeswithinameshforsimultaneousupgrade becauseallofthenodeshavetorunthesamefirmware Ifanodeshouldnot receivetheupgradeimage youca...

Страница 44: ...ouuseadifferentpowersupply youvoidtheproductwarranty 4 Givethenodepower ThepowerLEDcomeson Thenodebootsandisreadytouseinoneminute 5 Attachstagingantennasappropriatetoyournetworkapplication Note Forspe...

Страница 45: ...ecountrycorrectly thedevice mightoperateina mannerthatisnotlegalorcreateproblems withotherwirelessdevices a Selectthecountryofoperationfromthedrop downlist b ClickSetCountryCodeNow Whenyousetthecountr...
