FERLUX wood-burning ovens are manufactured in carbon steel sheet, with different metallic elements, which means that,
not only
when in use but also for a period of time once out, any of the parts can be especially hot and cause burns, including the
glass itself.
Always use the fireplace glove or insulating gloves when handling the device in these conditions.
periods of minimum combustion
, for example, during the night or to maintain temperatures at a stable level, We recommend
that you use slightly chunkier logs. Take into account that
the more “chopped” the firewood is, the earlier it will burn in full.
We recommend that you
take advantage of lighting to empty the ash pan and avoid it from becoming full during a burning
The device should not be used without the ash pan or with it completely full as it can cause the misshaping of the base of
the fireplace and the grille, voiding the guarantee.
Similarly, a
periodic cleaning of the device
, the smoke extractor and the chimney flue must be completed as well as checks for
blockages after a long period without using.
3.4 Advice for use and safety warnings.
FERLUX ovens
require certain
maintenance operations for correct functioning
. Some of these may be affected by the user
according to the indications below, while other s must be carried out by a professional of technical assistance service (TAS).
To clean the body of the device, and the different metal parts, used the a
brush or dry cloth. Do not use water or wet the pieces
as this may cause metal parts to rust or even cause imperfections in the paintwork. Never clean the device when it is hot.
Every certain period, depending on the intensity of use, it is necessary to
conscientiously clean the air vents
, removing any residue
or soot or obstruction. To do that it will be necessary to remove the ash pan, grille and vermiculite deflectors.
To remove the vermiculite deflector
, remove the stainless steel pin and carefully remove the deflector without striking it against
anything. The remove the lateral vermiculite covering, an operation that is only necessary when replacing it, remove the grille support,
which must be disassembled using a Phillips-head screwdriver for the screws at the front and an Allen key for the screws at the back.
Every time the smoke flue or chimney is to be swept it is necessary to remove the deflector.
To remove the deflector you only
have lift the deflector from the supports and take it out, the inverse of the process for its assembly. Take special care when handling
the deflector or vermiculite covering as this is a very fragile material.
The interior of the oven is made from a series of elements in stainless steel. To facilitate cleaning, it is possible to disassemble it,
removing first the ceiling and then the sides and finally the floor, comprised of two blocks of refractory ceramic. Once removed from
the oven,it is possible to clean the stainless steel elements with water and soap or a special degreasing product. In the
upper part of
the oven, there is a cleaning opening that can be accessed
by removing the Allen screws securing it.
Despite the fact that the device has a “clean glass” system, continued use will inevitably lead to the accumulation of some dirt on the
glass. The device should always be cold when cleaning,
using special non-abrasive degreasing products or slightly wet paper
towels impregnated in the ashes.
The product should always be applied to the towel and never the glass, avoiding any contact
with the metal parts.
4.1 Cleaning of the equipment and glass
Disassembly of deflector (L), disassembly of later vermiculite covering (centre) and disassembly of oven (R)