4th edition, 9-11-2018
7000.05050, 4th edition, 9-11-2018
Typical execution of the trace function
1. Set the trigger type and the type of the data sources (2370.04).
2. Set the trigger source and the signals to be recorded (2370.01, 07 to 0A).
3. Set the recording length (2370.05).
4. If necessary set the sampling rate (2370.06).
5. Set the threshold value (2370.02) for the trigger.
6. Set the flank for the trigger and activate recording (2370.04).
This completes the settings for the trace recorder.
7. Test the trigger status (2371.01) at the value
8. Read the recorded content of the buffer (2371.02 to 05).
Trace logger
The trace logger uses the PDO communication service transmit data from the controller.
Any TxPDO can be used as the trace PDO. Prior to use, the PDO must be loaded with the
desired parameters, using the PDO mapping method (see chap. 3.4.2, p. 18). The data can
then be requested cyclically using the remote request or SYNC.
The resolution of the individual data points is dependent on the speed of transmission
and processing. The resolution of the data points can be down to 1 ms.