4th edition, 9-11-2018
7000.05050, 4th edition, 9-11-2018
CANopen protocol description
PDO (Process Data Object)
PDOs are CAN messages with up to 8 bytes user data. PDOs contain process data for con-
trolling and monitoring the behaviour of the device. The drive makes the distinction
between receipt PDOs and transmission PDOs.
Receipt PDOs (RxPDO): are received by a drive and typically contain control data
Transmission PDOs (TxPDO): are sent by a drive and typically contain monitoring data
PDOs are evaluated or transmitted only when the device is in the NMT
(see chap. 3.8, p. 27).
The transmission of PDOs can be triggered in various different ways. The behaviour can be
set for each PDO via the transmission type parameter of the communication parameters in
the object dictionary:
Tab. 4:
Types of PDO transmissions
As delivered the system is configured with the node number 1. The COB-IDs are pre-set
RxPDO: 201h, 301h, 401h and 501h
TxPDO: 181h, 281h, 381h and 481h
EMCY: 81 h
RxSDO: 581 h
TxSDO: 601 h
If the node number is changed from 255 (unconfigured CANopen node) to a value
>127 using the LSS protocol, the COB-IDs which depend on this node number are auto-
matically adjusted.
Transmission Type
Event-driven RxPDOs are processed immediately on receipt.
Event-driven TxPDOs are sent when the statusword of the device is contained and has
been changed.
Remote request (RTR)
Data are sent in response to a request message.
Data are sent after receipt of a SYNC object (see chap. 3.7, p. 26).