Fastus CDX Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1


*FASTUS is a product brand of Optex FA.

High-Accuracy Laser Displacement Sensor

CDX Series

User’s Manual

Before using this product, please read this manual carefully. 

Keep this manual at hand so that it can be used whenever necessary. 

Store the manual in a safe location. 

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Contact Ramco Innovations today!

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Ramco - Optex FA Divsion

Got Questions? 1-800-280-6933

Содержание CDX Series

Страница 1: this product please read this manual carefully Keep this manual at hand so that it can be used whenever necessary Store the manual in a safe location Got Application or Technical Questions Contact...

Страница 2: ...Ramco Optex FA Divsion www Optex Ramco com Got Questions 1 800 280 6933...

Страница 3: ...l understanding RI WKH IXQFWLRQV DQG SHUIRUPDQFH RI WKH SURGXFW OVR DIWHU RX KDYH QLVKHG UHDGLQJ WKLV PDQXDO VWRUH LW safely for future reference Trademarks and registered trademarks appearing in this...


Страница 5: ...and power circuits If the wires are routed together induction may occur which can cause a malfunction or damage the product If this is unavoidable use a conductive object such as a properly grounded...

Страница 6: ...this product is to be exported comply with all applicable export laws and regulations including the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act and the Export Administration Regulations and carry out the n...

Страница 7: ...ment function I XVLQJ WKHVH SURGXFWV LQWHUQDWLRQDOO ZH DVN WKDW RX OO RXW WKH VXLWDEOH DSSOLFDWLRQV ZKHQ H SRUWLQJ WKHVH products Optex FA has prepared products to which limits on resolution have been...

Страница 8: ...Parts 1 6 1 5 Mounting the Head 1 7 2 Web Settings Screen and Function Details 2 1 Checking the IP Address on CDX Series Products 2 2 2 2 Connection Using a Web Browser 2 4 2 3 Screen Flow Chart 2 5...

Страница 9: ...4 3 4 3 Acquiring Measured Values with Time Data 4 11 2EWDLQLQJ 5HFHLYHG LJKW DYHIRUPV DQG RQ JXULQJ 0DVN 6HWWLQJV 4 12 4 5 Setting Reading Individual Sensor Descriptions 4 13 4 6 Continuously Transm...

Страница 10: ...tem that requires special attention during operation MEMO Indicates information that is useful to know during operation Included Screens Screens included in this manual are subject to change without p...

Страница 11: ...RQV UHJDUGLQJ WKH FRQ JXUDWLRQ RI WKH 6HULHV DQG usage as well as preparations that must be performed before use Be sure to read this section thoroughly before using the product Ramco Optex FA Divsion...

Страница 12: ...Open ended cable Ethernet cable Branch connector Head extension cable CDX Series arious settings Acquiring measurements Acquire storage data Analog output CDA cable CDX Series products do not support...

Страница 13: ...SURGXFW FRQ UP WKDW WKH IROORZLQJ LWHPV DUH FRQWDLQHG LQ WKH SDFNDJH Sensor 1 Branch connector 1 Connector cap 1 attached to the connector M4 50 mm mounting screws 2 Washer M4 nut 2 Instruction Manual...

Страница 14: ...m extension length is 10 m including the head extension cable plus the CDA cable z Ethernet cable Black 4 pole M12 connector RJ45 plug SSL 2J04 G02MER 2 m SSL 2J04 G05MER 5 m SSL 2J04 G10MER 10 m z Op...

Страница 15: ...HQVLRQ FDEOH OHQJWK P 5RERW FDEOH VSHFL FDWLRQ 6 0 WHQVLRQ FDEOH OHQJWK P 5RERW FDEOH VSHFL FDWLRQ Caution The maximum length for the head extension cable plus the CDA cable is 10 m z Branch connector...

Страница 16: ...0 08 N m or less Length of time the button is pushed Action Status LED operation Description Less than 1 sec None No change The change may not be applied if the button is not pressed long enough 1 to...

Страница 17: ...Excessive tightening torque may damage the sensor head Mounting method Use the included screws and other components to mount the head to the wall or to a bracket QVWDOODWLRQ W SLFDOO FRQVLVWV RI HLWK...

Страница 18: ...urate and stable detections mount the sensor as follows for the appropriate targets z With height differences z With material color differences z With rotating measurement targets Ramco Optex FA Divsi...

Страница 19: ...e power will gradually drift change over time IIHFWV RI PELHQW 7HPSHUDWXUH Changes in ambient temperature can cause measurement errors Ensure a constant ambient temperature at all times If the ambient...

Страница 20: ...1 10 Mounting the Head Ramco Optex FA Divsion www Optex Ramco com Got Questions 1 800 280 6933...

Страница 21: ...includes a Web server function that allows settings to be YLHZHG DQG FRQ JXUHG XVLQJ D HE EURZVHU 7KLV VHFWLRQ H SODLQV KRZ WR FRQ JXUH WKH VHWWLQJV DQG H SODLQV LQ GHWDLO PRUH DERXW each function Ra...

Страница 22: ...WHG WRRO 6HHNHU 2 1 1 Using CDX Seeker CDX Seeker is a dedicated tool for searching for CDX Series products within a network and verifying FRQ JXULQJ WKH 3 DGGUHVV VHWWLQJV RI DQ SURGXFWV IRXQG FFHVV...

Страница 23: ...function to provide any additional notes Double click to edit 7 Measured value The current measurement results will be displayed 8 Easy arithmetic monitor You can add subtract the measured values of...

Страница 24: ...s Web settings screen Supported Web browsers Browser name Version Internet Explorer Version 11 or higher Google Chrome Chrome 49 or newer DXQFK WKH EURZVHU DQG HQWHU WKH YHUL HG RU FRQ JXUHG 3 DGGUHVV...

Страница 25: ...PHWKRG 1 2 3 Number Name Part 1 Change language Switches the language used onscreen Initially set to English 2 Measurement results Displays the measurement results for each channel 3 Tab Shows the set...

Страница 26: ...suring a reference workpiece users are able to set the current measured value as an offset value reference value When turning offset ON move to the position of the displayed value or measure a referen...

Страница 27: ...lay scale KHQ RX FKDQJH VHF GLY WKH PDJQL FDWLRQ UDWH RI WKH KRUL RQWDO D LV FKDQJHV Change X1 and similar parts for each channel to change whether these parts are displayed and to change WKH PDJQL FD...

Страница 28: ...RI WKH VHQVRU 6HH WKH SUHYLRXV JXUH The peak positions of the received light waveform represent the distance to the applicable target Peaks recognized by the CDX sensor will be displayed on the receiv...

Страница 29: value OFF Caution KHFNLQJ WKH UHFHLYHG OLJKW ZDYHIRUP DQG FKHFNLQJ FRQ JXULQJ WKH PDVN FDQQRW EH GRQH ZLWK VHULHV SURGXFWV Measurement 2 5 2 Sampling period Sets the time one measurement should tak...

Страница 30: ...0 mm 81 0 to 91 5 mm with specular UH HFWLRQ LQVWDOODWLRQ 150 2 to 190 0 mm 2 5 4 Upper Limit Lower Limit Select Auto for the sampling period to set the maximum and minimum sampling periods to adjust...

Страница 31: the setting explained in 2 8 7 High Accu racy Time Synchronization page 2 8 6 Precision Timesync Page 2 29 7KLV VHWWLQJ FDQQRW EH FRQ JXUHG ZLWK 6HULHV SURGXFWV 2 5 7 Detection order 5H HFWHG OLJK...

Страница 32: ...Channel setting of CDX Series 2 5 8 Channel On Off Set this channel or another channel for use Channel 1 is usually ON OFF Not used ON Use Default value ON Caution 7KLV VHWWLQJ FDQQRW EH FRQ JXUHG ZL...

Страница 33: ...UHFRJQL HV WKH UH HFWLYH VXUIDFHV FKHFN WKH OLJKW UHFHLYLQJ ZDYHIRUP Second glass pane First glass pane 1 2 1 4 2 3 1 3 2 3 4 The sensor detects the target as one reflective surface The two reflectiv...

Страница 34: ...2 2 5 After sorting 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 5 2 5 13 Moving average Averaging is performed the number of times for the measured value 7KLV SURFHVV LV DSSOLHG DIWHU PXOWLSO LQJ E WKH PHGLDQ OWHU Alth...

Страница 35: ...of samplings Default value 0 Number of samplings 2 5 15 Hold WUDFWV WKH VSHFL HG YDOXH VXFK DV WKH PD LPXP RU PLQLPXP ZLWKLQ D VHW SHULRG The value used for Hold set is used as the hold period Use thi...

Страница 36: ...Hold The measured value during hold input will be output ON OFF Measurement value Hold Internal measurement value Sample hold measurement value Auto Peak The maximum value from when the hold reset inp...

Страница 37: ...eak to Peak The value of the maximum value the minimum value from when the hold reset input is detected until the present will be output ON Sampling period OFF Hold Peak to peak hold measurement value...

Страница 38: ...hrough a CDA Series product Input setting This section provides information on input terminal settings Input terminals cannot be used when a CDA Series product is connected As such these settings cann...

Страница 39: ...W Offset Used as the offset or as the offset release input HVV WKDQ VHF 2IIVHW VHF RU PRUH OHDULQJ RIIVHW Default value None 2 6 3 Debouncing Sets the delay time from when the external input is turned...

Страница 40: ...t output may turn ON and OFF repeatedly chattering This state can be prevented by padding the value from when the threshold is H FHHGHG DQG WKH RXWSXW JRHV IURP 21 WR 2 7KLV SDGGLQJ LV FDOOHG K VWHUHV...

Страница 41: ...fset Enter two known dimension and movement distance points into Idea A B Then click Current to acquire the measured values at the positions and then use Set to apply the numerical values 2 6 9 Span t...

Страница 42: ...value Shorter than the specified time 1 When the measured value remains below the threshold from when the measured value falls below the threshold until after the On delay time has elapsed Output turn...

Страница 43: ...lay time has elapsed Output is turned OFF 2 When the measured value remains within the range from when the measured value falls outside the range until after the Off delay time has elapsed Output is n...

Страница 44: ...splay when an alarm occurs if Clamp or Delay Clamp is set under Alarm QSXW UDQJH WR PP Default value 1000 000000 MEMO If the clamp value setting is 2000 to 1000 or 1000 to 2000 will be displayed for t...

Страница 45: ...5 Number of samplings Default value 0 Number of samplings 2 6 16 Alarm recovery When Delay Clamp is set under Alarm the period from the Alarm state until the status returns to a measurable state is se...

Страница 46: ...only possible for sensor heads that allow selection of the installation method Diffuse Use this normally 6SHFXODU 0HDVXUHPHQW LV SHUIRUPHG ZLWK WKH GHYLFH LQVWDOOHG DW D VSHFXODU UH HFWLRQ DQJOH 8VHG...

Страница 47: ...nces ON Turns the laser ON and perform measurements OFF Turns the laser OFF and stops measurement Default value ON 2 7 4 Sensor time Displays the current time and the run time for the sensor When Sens...


Страница 49: ...chronization is required when using the Synchronous or Anti interfere exposure mode When this function is used one of the CDX Series products on the network must be selected as the Master and the othe...

Страница 50: ...H GRZQORDGHG WR WKH 3 E FOLFNLQJ HDFK OH QDPH Caution 7KHVH VHWWLQJV DQG IXQFWLRQV FDQQRW EH FRQ JXUHG RU XVHG ZLWK 6HULHV SURGXFWV 2 9 1 Start storage Starts the storage operation 2 9 2 Status Displa...

Страница 51: ...J DQG VDYLQJ DUH SHUIRUPHG DWD IRU ZKLFK PHDVXULQJ LV SHUIRUPHG EXW VDYLQJ LV QRW 2 9 5 Start condition Sets the Start trigger conditions used as the basis for starting storage Immediate Storage start...

Страница 52: ...Repeat Sets the operation to perform after the storage operation has been performed for the number of data items set under Quota OFF Sets Status to Stopped after the storage operation completes ON Set...

Страница 53: ...O WHPSHUDWXUH RI WKH VHQVRU KHDG 8QLW Sensor operating time Displays the total run time since the sensor was powered on Unit Hour 0LQXWH 6HF Laser operating time Displays the total ON time since the s...

Страница 54: 2 10 4 Display Settings Allows display settings for measured values to be changed No of display digits Sets the number of digits to display Display unLW 6HOHFWV WKH GLVSOD XQLW IRU QXPEHUV I...

Страница 55: ...H FRQQHFWHG WR 6HULHV GLVSODFHPHQW VHQVRU DPSOL HU XQLWV For details on CDA Series products see the CDA Series user s manual This section explains CDX Series settings related to use of the CDA Series...

Страница 56: ...e procedure shown below to connect the devices 1 Connect the cable to the CDX Series branch connector and then turn the connector to lock it in place Branch connector side male Protrusion Cable side f...

Страница 57: be repaired Avoid installing the CDA Series on a DIN rail while the CDA is connected to a cable Doing so may apply unnecessary force to the cable Do not touch the head connector fixing screw 3 Whe...

Страница 58: ...Selection Input item Sampling period V V V V V V V XWR 6DPSOLQJ URS V 1HDU Center DU Sampling Upper Limit V V V V V V Sampling Lower Limit V V V V V V Process Object Standard 7KLQ ODVV Process Measur...

Страница 59: ...ut OFF Delay 0 WR PV Output One shot Off 2Q Alarm Direction Clamp ROG HOD HG ODPS Alarm Alarm Delay 0 0 to 4095 Alarm Alarm Recovery 0 0 to 4095 The default value is shown in bold z Device Item name S...

Страница 60: ...WKH 6HULHV DUH LQLWLDOL HG 1 On the basic screen press U or V to select Channel 1 or Channel 2 and then press A The sensor settings top menu for the selected channel is displayed Displacement sensor T...

Страница 61: ...n CDX Series products allow users to obtain measurements and to check or change settings 7KLV VHFWLRQ H SODLQV WKH FRPPXQLFDWLRQ VSHFL FDWLRQV DQG WKH GHWDLOV IRU YDULRXV commands Ramco Optex FA Divsi...

Страница 62: ...SODLQV WKH VSHFL FDWLRQV IRU WKHUQHW FRPPXQLFDWLRQ SHUIRUPHG WKURXJK FRPPDQGV Protocol TCP UDP multicast broadcast Port number 5011 command transmission 5010 continuous transmission Byte order Big en...

Страница 63: ...All data is read write in units of 4 bytes Items with only 1 byte listed in the table as the selectable item will be appended with 0 in all of the higher bit positions Ex 1 Acquiring measured values...

Страница 64: ...d Hold ON Zero set ON Not used ON when measurement is not possible Control input output status ON OFF Channel usage Not used ON when the laser is emitted ON when storage file area is full ON when prec...

Страница 65: ...C10 Sampling period 0x00 12 5 0x01 25 0x02 50 0x03 100 0x04 200 0x05 500 0x06 1000 0x07 Auto 8QLW VHF R W 0x0C28 Measurement range ZLWK VDPSOLQJ DW V 0x00 Near 0x01 Center 0x02 Far R W 0x0C14 Upper Li...

Страница 66: ...VLGH ZLWK WKH measurement center as 0 R W 0x0C6C Mask end position 2 QP SRVLWLYH QHDU VLGH ZLWK WKH measurement center as 0 R W 0x0C70 Mask start position 3 QP SRVLWLYH QHDU VLGH ZLWK WKH measurement...

Страница 67: ...x02B8 0x0338 0x03B8 Hold operation 0x00 None 0x01 Hold ON 0x02 Hold OFF 0x03 Hold reset Execute the hold operation R W 0x0244 0x02C4 0x0344 0x03C4 Measurement value upper threshold Numeric input Unit...

Страница 68: ...y Numeric input Unit Number of samplings Device settings Class Command Name Parameter Note R W 0x0CA0 Mounting 0x00 Diffuse 0x01 Specular R W 0x0CA4 Direction 0x00 Near 0x01 Far R W 0x0C40 Laser On Of...

Страница 69: ...e operation in progress 0x04 Storage operation complete R W 0x0CF0 Storage control 0x00 Switch to standby If storage is in progress the storage data present up to now is saved 0x01 Starts the storage...

Страница 70: ...ormation Class Command Name Parameter Note R 0x0004 Firmware version R 0x0008 Software version R 0x0120 Temperature Unit C R 0x0124 Total operating time of sensor Unit sec R 0x0128 Operating time of l...

Страница 71: ...d then outputs the value Sent command 30 06 00 00 01 F0 00 0C Reply command B0 0C Measurement value 4 bytes Sensor status measurement result 4 bytes Timestamp 4 bytes The sensor status and measurement...

Страница 72: ...ach point in order starting from close to the sensor head Read Sent command 30 06 00 00 04 00 04 00 Reply command B4 00 Receiving light level 1 2 bytes Receiving light level 2 2 bytes Receiving light...

Страница 73: ...ow for writing and reading of individual descriptions Descriptions are limited to 30 bytes of characters Read Sent command 30 06 00 00 01 60 00 1E Reply command B4 00 Individual sensor description 30...

Страница 74: ...hannels 40 02 01 E0 00 08 00 00 00 Transmission channel 1 byte 00 00 00 00 Reply command C0 00 Explanation of bits 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Not used Not used Not used Not used Channel 4 Channel 3 Channel 2 Cha...

Страница 75: ...ime Data can only be transmitted from the CDX Series to 1 target device Continuous transmission stops when the power is turned off Reply command continuous transmission data format Header 2 bytes Sens...

Страница 76: ...d Not used Ch1 hold ON Ch1 zero set ON Not used ON when measurement for Ch1 is not possible Ch1 control input output status ON OFF Usually ON 32 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 32 31 30 29 28 2...

Страница 77: ...V DQG WKH GDWD RI FKDQQHOV DQG LV EHLQJ WUDQVPLWWHG WKH measured values are transmitted as shown below Channel 1 measured value 1 4 bytes Channel 2 measured value 1 4 bytes Channel 3 measured value 1...

Страница 78: ...or occurs Reply command E0 02 Error details Error name Error details Details Command error 0x00E1 FRPPDQG WKDW GRHV QRW H LVW ZDV VSHFL HG Address error 0x00E2 7KH VSHFL HG DGGUHVV LV RXW RI UDQJH 2YH...

Страница 79: ...5 6SHFL FDWLRQV 7KH IROORZLQJ VKRZV WKH VSHFL FDWLRQV FKDUDFWHULVWLFV DQG GLPHQVLRQV RI Series products Ramco Optex FA Divsion www Optex Ramco com Got Questions 1 800 280 6933...

Страница 80: Protection category IP67 incl connector Ambient temperature humidity 10 to 50 C 35 to 85 RH no condensation or freezing Storage temperature humidity 20 to 60 C 35 to 85 RH no condensation or freezi...


Страница 82: ...le M12 plug connector 30 mm type 30 25 5 3 0 Optical axis of receiver Optical axis of emitter Specular reflection installation 29 15 61 30 Optical axis of receiver Optical axis of emitter 30 5 Measure...

Страница 83: ...4 2 2 4 3 6 5 15 61 Optical axis of emitter Measurement range 8 pole M12 plug connector Link indicator green Power indicator orange green blue red 150 mm type Optical axis of receiver 2 4 3 6 5 29 15...

Страница 84: ...cteristics 5 3 1 Spot size 15 mm type 50 m 50 m 30 m 1 6 m m 1 5 m m 1 4 m m 0 19 8 21 2 22 6 Distance mm 30 mm type 140 m 140 m 30 m 0 25 30 35 Distance mm Ramco Optex FA Divsion www Optex Ramco com...

Страница 85: ...5 6SHFL FDWLRQV Characteristics 85 mm type 120 m 0 65 85 105 120 m 70 m Distance mm 150 mm type 120 m 300 m 300 m 0 110 150 195 Distance mm Ramco Optex FA Divsion www Optex Ramco com Got Questions 1 8...

Страница 86: ...agram 15 mm type Mutual interference area 66 5 1 1 55 5 52 36 5 10 25 11 Optical axis of emitter 30 mm type 17 39 9 12 2 2 21 5 Mutual interference area Optical axis of emitter Ramco Optex FA Divsion...

Страница 87: ...stics 85 mm type 3 Mutual interference area 19 29 17 54 115 Optical axis of emitter 3 150 mm type Mutual interference area Optical axis of emitter 4 4 22 42 17 91 215 Ramco Optex FA Divsion www Optex...

Страница 88: ...racteristics 5 3 3 Light axis area 15 mm type 66 5 55 5 43 3 5 21 5 4 4 17 1 Light axis area 30 mm type Light axis area 1 5 39 15 5 41 4 Ramco Optex FA Divsion www Optex Ramco com Got Questions 1 800...

Страница 89: ...1 1 2 3 4 5 6SHFL FDWLRQV Characteristics 85 mm type Light axis area 1 5 56 15 5 6 115 150 mm type Light axis area 2 215 60 5 15 8 Ramco Optex FA Divsion www Optex Ramco com Got Questions 1 800 280 69...

Страница 90: ...ernet cable 1 4 F Factory Reset 2 27 H Head extension cable 1 4 Hold 2 15 Hold set Hold reset 2 6 Hysteresis 2 20 I Included Items 1 3 Initialization button 1 6 Input terminal setting 2 19 IP address...

Страница 91: ...RQ LQVWDOODWLRQ 1 7 Spot size 5 6 Start condition 2 31 Start position 2 32 Start storage 2 30 Status 2 30 Status LED 1 6 Storaged data list 2 32 Stored Data 2 32 Subnet mask 2 29 Supported Web browser...

Страница 92: ...sary to allow their use in personnel safety applications A sensor failure or malfunction can cause either an energized or de energized sensor output condition Please consult our distributors about saf...
