ISO 9001:2008
SIAC116B1011AB_Rev. 05
29 / 32
51N Inverse time neutral overcurrent protection:
Permission: YES.
Curve: IEC Inverse.
Dial: 0.05
TAP: 0.3xIn.
Theoretical tripping time= 3.67 seconds (Fault
current 0.33xIn)
The following information will be checked
Pick-up at 110% of the tap (0.33xIn)
Trip output is activated
Output 3 is activated
Trip flag is activated
Permission: YES.
Curve: IEC Inverse.
Dial: 1
TAP: 0.3xIn.
Theoretical tripping time = 5.75 seconds (fault
current 1xIn)
The following information will be checked:
Trip output is activated
Output 3 is activated
Trip flag is activated
Permission: YES.
Curve: IEC Inverse.
Dial: 1
TAP: 0.3xIn.
Theoretical tripping time = 2.97seconds (Fault
current 2xIn)
The following information will be checked
Trip output is activated
Output 3 is activated
Trip flag is activated
Note: In TEST 2 and TEST 3 for 51 and 51N, fault current will be injected the directly to
check the theoretical tripping time. Take into account this time is calculated through an
equation and this time depends on the injected current, so doing a ramp is possible but the
theoretical tripping time will not be checked.