Memory spaces (Kits)
sound module provides you with 4 GB of sound storage with 100 memory
locations, 40 of which are empty, i.e. user kits. With the
all kits are pre-
configured from the factory and can still be changed and saved according to your wishes. Of course
you can also rename and re-sort the kits, which makes them easier to access and handle on stage. To
be able to save, the SAVE function must be activated on the page MIXER-UNIT-PREF. (chapter 8.10)
If you like to practice to songs or recorded playbacks, you can load normal WAV files in CD quality
(stereo, 16 bit/44.1 kHz) into the module via USB and then assign them to a kit. Alternatively, you can
connect a player/smartphone to the line-in jack. Naturally you can also feed in other instruments or a
monitor mix via this input (live or studio respectively).
With the built-in metronome you can not only practice and refine your technique, but also use it for
live performances. You can save an individually programmed metronome per kit. You have a variety of
time signatures and sounds at your disposal and can set the tempo precisely to your specifications.
The metronome can also be used as a one- or two-bar single counter: in matching mode the click
stops automatically.
With the editor software of the
you can comfortably manage your module from
your computer and even create your own sounds. Once the
is connected to your
computer (Mac or PC) via USB. Now start the editor and access the module. Now you can organize
and manage the internal kits. Assign sounds from the extensive internal library and make your
personal settings (tuning, volume, pan). You can listen to the sounds comfortably on your computer
and edit the settings effortlessly. Furthermore you can create your own sounds in a special format.
Create your own multi-layer sound files from WAV files, e.g. from recordings of your acoustic set or
sounds from sample libraries.
The FAME editor is available as a free download from our website www.musicstore.de.
You will find the links in the product text for the respective Hybrid Pro product that you
have purchased.