Press the left DATA button a second time. The symbol of an open hi-hat appears and flashes.
Now open the hi-hat pad and take your foot off the pedal accordingly.
Press the left DATA button a third time to complete the calibration.
The display shows "done". You have now successfully completed the calibration. If "NoChg" appears
on the display, the calibration did not work or you have calibrated the hi-hat a second time exactly the
same way. If the calibration did not work, please check steps 1 to 4 and then start the calibration
After the successful calibration you can now test if the hi-hat can be played as desired. If you are not
satisfied with the result, you can either run the calibration again or fine-tune the created calibration
using the following parameter values.
Increase this value to raise the lower calibration limit. This is especially useful for maintaining
a constant Foot Chic (kicked hi-hat) and Foot Splash (kicked and quickly released hi-hat). You should
devote some time to this parameter.
: With this value, you can change the range of the hi-hat calibration. A higher value increases
the range and a lower value decreases it. Make sure that you also adjust the PFACT value. You should
only use this parameter if you are familiar with the system.
When using a Hi-Hat with non-reversed calibration, the function of the two
parameters is exactly inversed. The state if the calibration is reversed is shown as a capital
“R” left of the opening graphic in the CALIB parameter
Last but not least, you should spend some time on the trigger properties of the hi-hat channel. To do
this, call up the corresponding menu points:
Here you set the playing behaviour of the hi-hat pad. Adjust the most important
values (GAIN, THRES, CURVE) to your playing. You should pay particular attention that the GAIN
value is set correctly. Only the strongest stroke should achieve a level value of 0.0.