Table 3- 7 Master - slave parallel machine protection instructions
Parallel communication is normal, and there is
no flashing black characters on white
background in the host interface
The parallel communication is abnormal, and the
host interface is flashing red and black
Indicates the number of the slave machine that
failed and
needs to be operated
Clear the fault
Notes on master-slave parallel operation:
1. Set the Settings on the slave server first and then the host to avoid
communication failures on the host.
2. If multiple devices are set as hosts and the parallel function is enabled, the
parallel operation fails.
3. If the signal cable of the Share port of the slave machine is not connected or
falls off during the parallel operation, the model and parameters will be updated
according to the number of slave machines after the parallel function is enabled,
but the actual output will be inconsistent with the setting of the host machine due
to the fault of the Share signal cable.
4. The external programming function of the host is effective for the whole host.
5. After the device is set to the slave device, the protection value in the Protection
Settings item will be cancelled. During recovery, the user needs to reset.
6. Do not parallel devices of different models. Otherwise, damage may occur.