Table 298: IPv6 Network Connectivity Fields (continued)
IPv6 Stateless Address
AutoConfig Mode
Sets the IPv6 stateless address autoconfiguration mode on the network
Enabled – The network interface can acquire an IPv6 address through IPv6
Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) and through the use of Router
Advertisement messages.
Disabled – The network interface will not use the native IPv6 address
autoconfiguration features to acquire an IPv6 address.
DHCPv6 Client DUID
The client identifier used by the DHCPv6 client (if enabled) when sending
messages to the DHCPv6 server.
IPv6 Gateway
The default gateway for the IPv6 network interface. To configure this field, click
the Edit icon in the row. To reset the field to the default value, click the Reset icon
in the row.
Static IPv6 Addresses
Lists the manually configured static IPv6 addresses on the network interface. Use
the buttons available in this table to perform the following tasks:
To add an entry to the list, click the + (plus) button to open the Add IPv6
Address dialog and provide the following:
New IPv6 Address – Specify the IPv6 address to add to the interface.
EUI Flag – Select this option to enable the Extended Universal Identifier
(EUI) flag for IPv6 address, or clear the option to omit the flag.
To delete an entry from the list, click the – (minus) button associated with the
entry to remove.
To delete all entries from the list, click the – (minus) button in the heading
Dynamic IPv6 Addresses
Lists the IPv6 addresses on the network interface that have been dynamically
configured through IPv6 autoconfiguration or DHCPv6.
Default IPv6 Routers
Lists the IPv6 address of each default router that has been automatically
configured through IPv6 router discovery.
to update the information on the screen.
Configuring IPv6
ExtremeSwitching 200 Series: Administration Guide