Required Tools
Installation Site Requirements
Unpacking the SSA Switch
Mounting the SSA Switch
Unpacking the Power Supplies
Installing the Power Supplies
Powering Up the SSA Switch
Installing the Power Cord Retention Clip Assembly
Connecting Your SSA Switch to the Network
Connecting Two SSA Chassis for Virtual Switch Bonding
Connecting to a Local Management Console
Completing the Installation
Electrical hazard: Only qualified personnel should perform installation procedures.
Riesgo Electrico: Solamente personal calificado debe realizar procedimientos de instalacion.
Elektrischer Gefahrenhinweis: Installationen sollten nur durch ausgebildetes und qualifiziertes
Personal vorgenommen werden.
Risques d'électrocution: Seul un personnel qualifié doit effectuer les procédures d'installation.
To prevent possible injury when installing your Extreme Networks switch product, avoid
contacting the edges of I/O ports with your fingers.
Advertencia: Para evitar posibles lesiones durante la instalación de su producto interruptor
Extreme Networks, evite tocar con los dedos los bordes de los puertos de entrada/salida.
Warnhinweis: Verletzungsgefahr beim Installieren des Extreme Networks Switch – berühren
Sie die Ränder der E/A-Anschlüsse nicht mit den Fingern.
Avertissements: Afin d'éviter toute blessure possible lors de l'installation de votre
commutateur Extreme Networks, évitez que vos doigts touchent les rebords des ports
d'entrée et de sortie.
Use the following topics, in order, to install your product.
Required Tools
To install your equipment, you will need the following tools:
ESD wrist strap (included with the SSA switch)
Phillips screwdriver
S-Series Stand Alone (SSA) Switch Hardware Installation Guide