Operating the machine control
Offline data transfer (USB)
5.5 Offline data transfer (USB)
You may only use this USB interface to exchange data with a USB flash memory. You must not
connect any other USB devices such as keyboards, hard disks, mobile telephones, cameras or
other devices so as to avoid any damage tp the machine. The interface does not provide any load
functions either.
Using the USB interface, data can be transferred between the machine control and a USB storage medi-
Figure 5-13
5.5.1 Save JOB(s)
Saving a single (JOB) or a range of welding tasks (JOB)s) (from–to) from the welding machine to the sto-
rage media (USB).
5.5.2 Load JOB(s)
Loading a single JOB or a range of welding tasks (JOBs) (from–to) from the storage media (USB) to the
welding machine.
5.5.3 Save configuration System
Configuration data of the power source’s system components. Xnet machine
Master configuration
Core date for network communication (independent of machine).
Individual configuration
Machine-related configuration data, matching the current power source only.