Tracking level:
Select a tracking level.
Tracking record:
Check the box to enable the recording function when a tracking event is triggered.
You can further set up to record the tracking video clips at NAS or SD card (see
7.5.5 Response Mode
Select a source stream for the video clips. It’s recommended to use stream 3 for saving
bandwidth. There are three options, Stream 1, Stream 2 and Stream 3. You can configure the Stream 1
and Stream 2 settings in the Streaming setup (see
7.2.2 Streaming
). The Stream 3 is fixed by the
system, which is set up with H.264 and 640x480 resolution, and cannot be configured.
Record prefix file name:
Type a file name for the video clips. The maximum length is 20 digits. Check
Add date and time suffix to file name
Enable cyclic recording
in the below field if you want to
apply the functions.
Media Mode
Users can select a media mode (System log / Snapshot / Recording / Message) for the camera to
send / upload / store to the configured place.
System log
Select this if you want to view the event-triggered system log information.
Select this if you want to view the event-triggered snapshots (7 snapshots at a time).
Snapshot prefix file name:
Enter a name for the snapshot files. The maximum length is 20 digits.
Add date and time suffix to file name:
Check the box if you want to add the date and time
information to the file name. Please check
Add date and time suffix to file name
box if you
don’t want to overwrite the snapshot files.