Essex Electronics, Inc. | 805.684.7601 | 800.KEY-LESS | fax 805.684.0232 | keyless.com
Programming the Keypad with a
Set up the Hyper-terminal with the following options:
9600 Baud (This is required for the program to work.)
8 Data Bits
No Parity
1 Stop Bit
No Flow Control
Send line ends with line feeds
Echo-typed chars locally
Backspace key sends CTRL+H, SPACE, CTRL+H
Connect the ERM Module to the serial port.
To Log In, the Keypad must not be in the following modes:
Setup, Programming, or Door Input Active.
Once logged in, the Keypad will not function until the user
exits the program.
If there is no activity for 60 seconds, the unit will time out and
return to Normal Operation.
While in Program mode, both LED’s blink fast.
If 4 invalid Master Codes are entered, the unit will go into
Tamper mode.
If you have set the Hyper-terminal to send CTRL+H, SPACE,
CTRL+H for backspace, the backspace key will work correctly.
All commands are case insensitive.
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