Essex Electronics, Inc. | 805.684.7601 | 800.KEY-LESS | fax 805.684.0232 | keyless.com
Tamper Alarm
An audible Tamper Alarm sounds when four incorrect code entries
are made. After 30 seconds, the unit returns to standby mode.
Encoded Relay Module LED Status Indicators
Green Red
Normal Operation
Lockup Mode
Setup Mode
Flashing Off
Connection Problems Off
Operation Notes
Pressing the PROGRAM button on the Encoded Relay Module
(ERM) sets a new Encode Code (EC) between the ERM and the
Keypad and puts the Keypad into Programming Mode. If no further
programming is required, press * * to exit.
If the ERM receives more than three (3) invalid EC’s in a row, the
unit will go into LockUp Mode. Once in LockUp Mode, the unit is
essentially shut down and can only be restored to normal opera-
tion by pressing the PROGRAM button.
Upon communication loss or LockUp, all relays are released and
the Main Door latching is cleared if set. The Remote Bypass will
not work and the Keypad will be forced to the non-24 hour mode if
enabled. If communication is lost for more than 2 seconds, the unit
goes into LockUp Mode and can only be restored to Normal
Operation by pressing the PROGRAM button.