Essex Electronics, Inc. | 805.684.7601 | 800.KEY-LESS | fax 805.684.0232 | keyless.com
Temporary Code
You can program one temporary code that will be good for up to
99 hours 59 minutes.
You can GET the configuration that is in the Keypad or make your
own, then SET it into the Keypad.
Using Keypad Logger Software
Running this log will record all actions of the K1-ERM. You can
also print up to the last 500 transactions. The date and times are
taken from the computer, not the K1-ERM.
Set up
If BIND is blank, the log will only list the User Number along with
the action. If you BIND to an existing Keypad Program File (see
previous section), the user name will also be listed.
Select “Options” and “COM Port.”
Loss of power- reported when power is restored.
Tamper Alarm- 4 incorrect code entries
Loss of communication between Keypad and ERM (Keypad
removed or broken connection).