EAG Gateway Series Administration Guidelines
MAG-06007 Rev. A
level (default password: operator). Administrator level has higher access privilege, and is allowed to
change password for all users at all levels.
Operator level has lower access privilege, and certain options are not available including network
configurations, password management and restoration of factory default settings.
EAG allows multiple users of different levels to login at the same time. Users of higher privilege have
the right to modify configuration; users of lower privilege can only browse.
For users of the same level, only the first user to login is able to change configurations. The rest can
only browse. A user can see from the log file all the current users and their access levels.
After a user logs in, he/she will be automatically logged off if he/she is idle for more than 10
minutes. When that happens, he/she needs to log in again.
After completing the configuration, a user must completely exit out instead of just closing the
browser. This will elevate the access level of the next logged user so he/she will be able to
change the configurations.
5.2 Menu Structure and Function Description of Most Used
The following is the system navigation structure: