4 (6)
Uppgjord (även faktaansvarig om annan) -
Prepared (also subject responsible if other)
Nr -
KL/ECS/S/LT Magnus Lindahl
Dokansv/Godk -
Doc respons/Approved
Kontr -
Datum -
1996-06-04 A
Error! Unknown switch argument.
Wall mounting
Refer to Installation instruction 1531-SXK 107 2274/1 UX or 1531-SXK 107 2274/4
UX in the Appendix of this chapter, which shows an example of wall mounting.
Drill holes as shown in the hole-drilling instruction in the Installation instruction.
Mount the wall consoles, in position on the wall. Note that the consoles are only
enclosed if specially ordered.
Turn the front panel 180° before installation. This will give you the possibility of
folding out the lid and making the service more convenient.
Please note the space required for service, Installation instruction 1531-SXK 107
2274/1 UX or 1531-SXK 107 2274/4 UX.
The station unit is now ready for connection.
Rack mounting
It is also possible to install the F800 Base Station in a 19 inch rack.
Refer to Installation instruction 1531-SXK 107 2274/1 UX or 1531-SXK 107 2274/4
UX in the Appendix of this chapter, which shows an example of rackl mounting.
Safeguards for installation of lead-acid accumulators
When installing lead-acid accumulators for standby power supply, it must be kept in
mind that hydrogen is produced during charging and this may cause an explosion. It
is, therefore, of the greatest importance to ensure that the room is well ventilated.
The best position for installation of accumulators is in a separate room or in a battery
box - in both cases well ventilated.