2 (6)
Uppgjord (även faktaansvarig om annan) -
Prepared (also subject responsible if other)
Nr -
KL/ECS/S/LT Magnus Lindahl
Dokansv/Godk -
Doc respons/Approved
Kontr -
Datum -
1996-06-04 A
Error! Unknown switch argument.
Incorrectly planned or badly equipped station sites generally result in higher
maintenance costs, malfunction of the radio equipment and may even create the
breakdown of the radio equipment.
To facilitate servicing and to create reasonable working conditions and a safe
working environment for service personnel, the following points should be observed
when planning a new station site:
The service workshop should be consulted. Local problems may arise which make
it more difficult, or even prevent, service personnel visiting the proposed station
site under certain conditions or certain periods of the year.
In the event of planned extension or modification of radio equipment at an existing
station site, the service workshop concerned should be consulted. Modification of
a station site which is already fully utilized may interfere with rational servicing of
the existing radio equipment.
Station unit
The F800 station consists of up to four separate sub-systems:
Transceiver unit
Line panel
Duplex filter/isolators
Power supply unit
The transceiver unit, line panel , duplex filter and isolator are normally mounted
together in the F800 enclosure, see installation drawing at the end of this chapter.
Other alternatives may arise due to the final configuration of the actual radio system.
The Power supply unit is a sub-unit which is separated from the station unit.
Base station
When the station unit, power supply and antenna system have been installed and put
into service, together with the other accessories, a functional Base station is