ATTENTION:.In situation of failure - overheating of the stove, the
controller automatically enters the stove in fading regime and stopping
after that, by this action the power output is lowered smoothly.. The most
likely reason is dirty (the ash in not cleaned) heat exchanging surfaces
leading to the increase of the temperature of the smoke gases or decreased
capacity of the confecting fan.
After the stove cools down is needed to determine the reason of the
malfunction and if necessary get the help of authorized service.
Showing and teaching the end user about the maintenance and
adjustment procedures.
It is necessary to show and teach the end user the maintenance procedures for
operating the stove efficiently and keep its reliability in high degree order. Also
the installer should demonstrate and teach the end user how to change the
operative parameters of the control module of the stove in order to operate the
unit in different modes and heat capacities, according to the local heat
Fuel hopper charging – the fuel is poured out in the hopper of the
boiler and the hopper’s cap should be closed in order to prevent
uncontrolled air penetration to the burner through this section;
Ash cleaning procedure – it is recommended to clean periodically the
ash residue (at least once per day) Covering this requirement will
ensure effective heat exchanging process and will sustain optimal
operating conditions of the stove.
ATTENTION: regular cleaning of the ash residue, deposited on the heat
exchanging surfaces of the stove will ensure long-life reliable exploitation
period, economic and efficient performance of the unit;
Safety and unexpected risks
Risks could arise at the exploitation of the stove:
The hot air pellet stove„ERATO Pony PS9” is designed according to the
safety requirements of the operating European standards and norms.
However safety and unexpected risks could arise in situations like
Hot air pellet stove„ERATO Pony PS9” is operating incorrectly;
The unit is installed by unauthorized/unqualified personal;