Epson Research and Development
Page 97
Vancouver Design Center
Programming Notes and Examples
Issue Date: 01/02/23
10.3.1 Building the LIBSE library for SH3 target example
In the LIBSE files, there are two main types of files:
• C and assembler files that contain the target specific code.
• makefiles that describe the build process to construct the library.
The C and assembler files contain some platform setup code (evaluation board communi-
cations, chip selects) and jumps into the main entry point of the C code that is contained in
the applications main() function. For our example, the startup file, which is sh3entry.c,
performs some board configuration (board communications and assigning memory blocks
with chip selects) and a jump into the applications main() function.
In the embedded targets, putch (xxxputch.c) and getch (xxxgetch.c) resolve to serial
character input/output. For SH3, much of the detail of handling serial IO is hidden in the
monitor of the evaluation board, but in general the primitives are fairly straight forward,
providing the ability to get characters to/from the serial port.
For our target example, the nmake makefile is makesh3.mk. This makefile calls the Gnu
compiler at a specific location (TOOLDIR), enumerates the list of files that go into the
target and builds a .a library file as the output of the build process.
To build the software for our target example, type the following at the root directory of the
software (i.e. C:\13706).
make "TARGETS=SH3" "BUILDS=release"